
Add to your wishlistRemove from your wishlist Liuwa Plains National Park

Liuwa Plains National Park is situated in the far west of the country and is a pristine wilderness area. The abundance of the wildlife and remote valleys are the great attractions for a true bush lover. It is a unique ecosystem, where people and nature get along with each other and where the sustainable management of the park takes place. 

It wasn't always like that. Due to poaching, the population of animals were decreasing, but the most outrageous case was the extermination of the lion population - except the only one lioness Lady Liuwa. Nonetheless in virtue of past few years conservation efforts, lions were reintroduced to the park as well as the wildebeest migration became one of the largest in Africa. 

The landscape of the plains is truly majestic, as it is characterized by vast open spaces and seasonal floods attracting a huge amount of birds to the park. November is the month when the rains arrive, turning the scenery into a photography paradise: the ultimate mix of juicy green colors and formidable blue shades. Private guide will take to the flat open spaces to enjoy game viewing and to capture wonderful moments.

In and around the park live people, which can introduce to you local culture and traditions. 



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